Translation of the verse 16 from Surah Al-Buruj : Number of verses 22 - - page 590 - Part 30.
He does what He intends (or wills).
Effecter of what He intends.
(85:16) the Executor of what He wills. *7
*7) "He is All-Forgiving": If a person repents and reforms himself, he can hope to be received by AIlah in His mercy. "He is All-Loving", i.e. He has no emnity with His creatures that he would subject them to torment without any reason, but He loves the creatures He has created and punishes them only when they do not give up the attitude of rebellion against Him. "Owner of the Throne" means that He alone is the Ruler of the Kingdom of the Universe: no one who is a rebel can escape His grip and punishment The mention of His being "Exalted" is meant to warn man for his meanness when he adopts an attitude of arrogance against such a Being. Last of aII, "He is Doer of whatever He wills": no one in the entire universe has the power to obstruct and resist what Allah wills to do.