Translation of the verse 18 from Surah Ar-Rahman : Number of verses 78 - - page 531 - Part 27.
Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?
(55:18) Which of the powers of your Lord *18 will you twain ' you men and jinn ' then deny?
*18) Here also, although in view of the context, "power" seems to be a more conspicuous meaning of alaa', yet, besides, the aspect of "blessing" and 'praiseworthy qualities" also is present in it. It is a great blessing that Allah Almighty has prescribed the rule of the rising and setting of the sun, for by means of it the changes of the crops and seasons arc regulated with which countless interests of the men and animals and vegetables are attached. Likewise, it is Allahs mercy and providence and wisdom that He has made these arrangements by His power to meet the respective needs and requirements of the creatures He has created on the earth.
Source : Ar-Rahman Verse 18: So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?