Translation of the verse 22 from Surah An-Nazi‘at : Number of verses 46 - - page 584 - Part 30.
Then he turned his back, striving hard (against Allah).
Then he turned his back, striving.
(79:22) and then he turned back to have recourse to his craftiness, *10
*10) According to the details given at other places in the Qur'an, he summoned skilful magicians from all over Egypt and made them produce serpents out of sticks and cords in front of the assembled people so that they were convinced that Moses (peace be upon him was not a Prophet but a magician, and that the miracle worked by him of turning a staff into a serpent, could also be worked by other magicians. But this device of his recoiled upon himself and the defeated magicians themselves admitted that what Moses (peace be on him) had displayed was no magic but a miracle.
Source : An-Nazi‘at Verse 22: Then he turned his back, striving.