English translation of the verse 27 surah - (Then they said): "Nay! Indeed we are deprived of (the fruits)!"

Surat Al-Qalam Verse No. 27: Reading and listening

Translation of the verse 27 from Surah Al-Qalam : Number of verses 52 - - page 565 - Part 29.

surah القلم ayah 27 - Rather, we have been deprived.

﴾بَلۡ نَحۡنُ مَحۡرُومُونَ ﴿
[ القلم: 27]

(Then they said): "Nay! Indeed we are deprived of (the fruits)!"

English - Sahih International

Rather, we have been deprived."

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(68:27) rather, we are utterly ruined.' *16

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

*16) That is, on seeing the garden they didn't believe it was their own garden, and they said: "Perhaps we have lost our way and come to another place." But, when they considered it seriously and found it was their own garden, they cried out: "Alas we are undone!"

read surah Al-Qalam

Source : Al-Qalam Verse 27: Rather, we have been deprived."