English translation of the verse 36 surah - And from his wife and his children.

Surat ‘Abasa Verse No. 36: Reading and listening

Translation of the verse 36 from Surah ‘Abasa : Number of verses 42 - - page 585 - Part 30.

surah عبس ayah 36 - And his wife and his children,

﴾وَصَٰحِبَتِهِۦ وَبَنِيهِ ﴿
[ عبس: 36]

And from his wife and his children.

English - Sahih International

And his wife and his children,

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(80:36) and his consort and his children; *22

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

*22) A theme closeay resembling this has already occurred in AI-Ma'arij: 10-14 above. "Fleeing" may also mean that when he sees those nearest and dearest to him in the .world, involved in distress, instead of rushing forth to help them, he will run away from them lest they should call out to him for help; and it may also mean that when they see the evil consequences of committing sin for the sake of one another and misleading one another, fearless of God and heedless of the Hereafter, in the world, each one would flee from the other lest the other should hold him responsible for his deviation and sin. Brother will fear brother, children their parents, husband his wife, and parents their children lest they should become witnesses in the case against them.

read surah ‘Abasa

Source : ‘Abasa Verse 36: And his wife and his children,