English translation of the verse 39 surah - No, that is not like that! Verily, We have created them out

Surat Al-Ma‘arij Verse No. 39: Reading and listening

Translation of the verse 39 from Surah Al-Ma‘arij : Number of verses 44 - - page 569 - Part 29.

surah المعارج ayah 39 - No! Indeed, We have created them from that which they know.

﴾كـَلَّآۖ إِنَّا خَلَقۡنَٰهُم مِّمَّا يَعۡلَمُونَ ﴿
[ المعارج: 39]

No, that is not like that! Verily, We have created them out of that which they know!

English - Sahih International

No! Indeed, We have created them from that which they know.

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(70:39) By no means! They know that which We have created them from. *26

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

*26) Here, this sentence can have two meanings: (1) If it is taken to be related to the preceding theme, it will mean: As for the substance these people have been created from, aII men are equal. For if the substance itself be the cause of man's entry into Paradise, then the good and the bad, the wicked and the just, the guilty and the innocent, all should go to Paradise. But a little common sense is enough to decide that man's qualifications for Paradise are created not on the basis of the substance of his creation but only on the basis of his merit and excellence. (2) If this sentence is regarded as an introduction to the following theme, it would mean: "These people think they are secure from Our torment and mock the one who warns them of Our punishment, whereas We can punish them even in this world as and when We please, as well as resurrect them after death as and when We like. They themselves know that We began their creation from an insignificant sperm-drop and developed them into a living man. If they had only considered this mode of their creation, they would never have been involved in the misunderstanding that they now have escaped Our grasp, or that We have no power to create them over again."

read surah Al-Ma‘arij

Source : Al-Ma‘arij Verse 39: No! Indeed, We have created them from that which they know.