Translation of the verse 51 from Surah Ya-Sin : Number of verses 83 - - page 443 - Part 23.
And the Trumpet will be blown (i.e. the second blowing) and behold! From the graves they will come out quickly to their Lord.
And the Horn will be blown; and at once from the graves to their Lord they will hasten.
(36:51) Then the Trumpet shall be blown and lo! they will come out of their graves and be on the move towards their Lord, *47
*47) For the explanation of the blowing of the "Trumpet" , see E. N . 78 of Surah Ta Ha. As for the length of the interval between the first blowing of the Trumpet and its second blowing, we have no information. The interval maybe of hundreds and thousands of years. Hadrat Abu Hurairah has related that the Holy Prophet said: "Israfil has put the Trumpet to his mouth and is looking up to the Divine Throne, awaiting orders for blowing it. The Trumpet will be blown thrice:
On the first blowing (called nafakhat al-faza ) everything in the earth and heavens will be struck with terror. On the second blowing (nafakhat as-Sa'q) everyone will fall down dead. Then, when none shall remain except Allah, the One, the Everlasting, the earth will be changed altogether and will be spread flat and smooth without a crease or wrinkle in it. Then Allah will administer a rebuke to His Creation, whereupon everyone will rise at the spot where he had fallen dead, on the changed earth, and this will happen on the third blowing of the Trumpet (nafakhat al qiyam li-Rabbil- `Alamin). This is supported by several allusions in the Qur'an also. For example, see Surah Ibrahim: 48; Surah Ta Ha: 105-108, and the E.N.'s thereof.