Translation of the verse 6 from Surah Ash-Shu‘ara’ : Number of verses 227 - - page 367 - Part 19.
So they have indeed denied (the truth - this Quran), then the news of what they mocked at, will come to them.
For they have already denied, but there will come to them the news of that which they used to ridicule.
(26:6) Now that they have rejected it, they will soon come to know (in various forms) the reality of what they have been mocking *4 .
*4) That is, the people who show lack of feeling and interest for every rational attempt made to bring them to the right way, cannot be made to believe forcibly by sending down Signs from heaven. They only deserve to be shown their evil end after they have been duly warned and shown guidance, which they not Only treated with indifference but rejected scornfully. This evil end can be shown to them in several ways:
(1) The Truth which they have bitterly opposed and scoffed at should prevail in the world in front of their very eyes in spite of their antagonism.
(2) They should be visited by a painful torment and eliminated from the world.
(3) Alter a few years of misguided life they should meet death and see for themselves that what they had been following wholeheartedly throughout their lives was nothing but falsehood and what the Prophets had been presenting was the very Truth, which they had been scoffing at. Thus the evil end can take place differently for different people as it happened in the past.