Translation of the verse 1 from Surah Al-‘Alaq : Number of verses 19 - - page 597 - Part 30.
Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists),
Recite in the name of your Lord who created -
(96:1) Recite *1 in the name of your Lord *2 Who created, *3
*1) As we have explained in the Introduction, when the Angel said to the Holy Prophet, "Read", the latter replied, "I cannot read!"" This indicates that the Angel had presented these words of the Revelation before him in the written form and had asked him to read them. For if the Angel had meant that he should repeat what he recited, he should not have replied, saying "I cannot read!"
*2) "Read in the name of your Lord": Bismillah and read. This shows that the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) even before the coming down of this Revelation regarded and acknowledged Allah alone as his Lord. That is why there was no need to ask who his Lord was, but it was said: "Read in the name of your Lord."
*3) Only the word khalaqa (created) 'has been used absolutely, and the object of creation has not been mentioned, This automatically gives the meaning: "Read in the name of the Lord, Who is the Creator, Who created the whole universe and everything in it."
Source : Al-‘Alaq Verse 1: Recite in the name of your Lord who created -