Translation of the verse 143 from Surah As-saffat : Number of verses 182 - - page 451 - Part 23.
Had he not been of them who glorify Allah,
And had he not been of those who exalt Allah,
(37:143) Had he not been one of those who glorify Allah, *80
*80) It has two meanings and both are implied: (1) That the Prophet Jonah was not of the people who are heedless of God, but was of those who glorify and adore Allah constantly and perpetually; and (2) that when he went inside the fish, he turned to AIlah alone and glorified Him. In Surah AI-Anbiya' it has been said: He invoked Us from the depths of the darkness, saying: `There is no god but You: Glory be to You: I am indeed blameworthy.' ' (v. 87).
Source : As-saffat Verse 143: And had he not been of those who exalt Allah,