English translation of the verse 211 surah - Neither would it suit them, nor they can (produce it).

Surat Ash-Shu‘ara’ Verse No. 211: Reading and listening

Translation of the verse 211 from Surah Ash-Shu‘ara’ : Number of verses 227 - - page 376 - Part 19.

surah الشعراء ayah 211 - It is not allowable for them, nor would they be able.

﴾وَمَا يَنۢبَغِي لَهُمۡ وَمَا يَسۡتَطِيعُونَ ﴿
[ الشعراء: 211]

Neither would it suit them, nor they can (produce it).

English - Sahih International

It is not allowable for them, nor would they be able.

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(26:211) nor does this work behove them, *131 nor are they able to do it. *132

Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

*131) That is, these revelations and themes do not at all suit the satans. Any person who has a little common sense can well understand that the sublime discourses being presented in the Qur'an cannot be inspired by the satans. Never has it happened that the satans might have taught the people through the sorcerers to worship God and fear Him, or forbidden them from shirk and idol-worship, or warned them of the accountability of the Hereafter, or prohibited them from tyranny and sexual and moral evils, and exhorted them instead to act righteously and do good to others. Such works cannot behove the satans. Their only pastime can be to sow the seeds of discord among the people and to arouse them to mischief and vice. The common observation is that people visit the sorcerers to find out whether they will succeed in their love affairs or not, what move would suit them in gambling, what trick and stratagem would be helpful against the enemy, or who had stolen the camel of so and so. Apart from such affairs and problems, the sorcerers and their patron-saints cannot be expected to worry themselves about matters like reforming the people, teaching them morals and cleansing their lives of vice and evil.
*132) That is, even if the satans wanted they could not impart Truth and Goodness to the people like a true teacher and reformer as the Qur'an does. Even if to deceive the people, they came out under the guise of a benefactor, their work would not be tree from blemishes, which would betray their ignorance and their hidden satanic nature. Similarly the life and the teachings of a person who poses to be a religious guide, under the influence and inspiration of satans, would inevitably reflect the wickedness of intention and design. Thus the satans can neither inspire others with piety and goodness, nor can those, who have any relation with the satans, become pious and righteous themselves. Then in addition to its high and noble teachings, the Qur'an is a lucid and eloquent Book, which contains the knowledge of Reality. That is why it has over and over again put forward the challenge that human beings and jinns would never be able to produce a book like the Qur'an even if they collaborated with all their energies and capacities. "Declare this: Even if human beings and jinns should cooperate with one another to bring forth a book like the Qur'an, they will never be able to bring anything like it, even though all of them help one another" (Bani Isra'il: 88).
"Tell them: if what you say be true, then produce one Surah like this, and you may call to your assistance anyone you can other than Allah." (Yunus: 38).

read surah Ash-Shu‘ara’

Source : Ash-Shu‘ara’ Verse 211: It is not allowable for them, nor would they be able.